Building from Space

         People are increasingly being developed in terms of science and technology.And with the help of this technology,Manhattan is develop a building that you are surprised to hear.Manhattan is building a U-shaped building.Many people were surprised to see the pictures of this building.But in this case, it seems to be doing something completely different.Because now the building on the ground will hang from the sky.

Building from Space
Building from Space

Planning to hang the building from an asteroid.The asteroid from the Earth is about 50,000 kilometers above.And the International Space Station has around from the Earth is about 435 km.The hanging building will be at least 32 kilometers below from Exosphere means that at the level of which it gets accumulated.However, if the hanging building is built then many people may question the issue of how people will get down from it.But scientists and technicians have started thinking about it.

Building from Space

Whether this building is built at all or in exactly how much it is made and if it is made, then everyone will have different questions about who can stay here.But undoubtedly this is a big initiative.

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